About Me

Well hello there.

Welcome to the all about ‘David Nicol’, the place where I get to blow smoke up my own arse.

I live in Swansea, which is in South Wales, which is in the UK (free geography lesson right there), with my wife and kids and a couple of other animals. Despite the distraction of a full-time job I also produce Sci-Fi and Horror fiction.

There are three titles currently available from me: ‘Lament for the Living’, ‘Hannibal House’, and ‘The Deluge of Elias’. For more information and purchasing links for each title then visit my proper super-duper official author site: http://www.tbfmedia.com/bibliography/

In the future my goals are some, or all of the following (in no particular order):

  • Win the lottery (properly win it, not like a tenner or something, I’m talking about stupid amounts where you start giggling while writing it out because there are so many zeroes).
  • Consistently sell at least 700 books per month – at that point I can give up the day job and consider myself a bona-fide author.
  • Stay happy.

Everything below this is legacy information from when I first started this blog (it used to be about gaming) – it may be of interest to some people, or it may just be taking up space. Either way it’s here for posterity:

I’m an old school gamer. Started on my brother’s Sinclair ZX-81, got my own Amstrad CPC464 (with colour screen!) when I was 10 (and all my friends had ZXSpectrums or C64s, and then the Sega MegaDrive) and played the early CodeMasters titles like Dizzy and Super Robin Hood – favourite games on the Amstrad for me were Harrier Attack and Roland on the Ropes though. In about 1997 I got my first PC and was playing Scarab by EA and Carmageddon by Stainless Games. A little bit of Quake, but nothing online. Also around that time had the PS1 and amongst the many titles two stand out for me – Worms and Metal Gear Solid. Had a PS2 at some point as well but my proper proper gaming started on the PC with Medal of Honor:Allied Assault, then on to Spearhead, Call of Duty, Ghost Recon and Blackhawk Down. Took a break from gaming until moving from the PC to the Xbox360 and Call of Duty 4 (Modern Warfare).

I would have been on PS3 from the start but after the umpteenth delay I decided I wasn’t waiting any more and got the Xbox360. A year later the PS3 was released but it wasn’t until the Red Ring of Death on the 360 that I decided to get one. Played it sporadically until late 2009 when I got CoD5 World at War, then in January 2010 got CoD 6 Modern Warfare 2 and I haven’t really been off it since.

Despite being FPS gaming for almost a decade, I’m mediocre at best, but play for the game rather than the glory – which is probably a good thing.

You can find me on PSN – evaDlivE

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