New Stuff and Copyright Paranoia

Okay here’s the new stuff first. Dvotee (Paul) has added to his channel by moving in to the wonderful world of commentary and has become part of the exceptional BFBC2 community on YouTube, Twitter and here.

Here’s his vid:

Currently it seems that Paul is going through Beginner’s Doubt which is a stage that most commentators go through where they are unsure how they will be received by the viewers.

I’d like to assure Paul, and all other newcomers to commentating, that it is just a phase and will eventually turn in to IfYouDon’tLikeMyChannelYouCanStickItUpYourAss. Fact. On Twitter we were also talking about unlocking achievements on YouTube.

What? You don’t know about the achievements on YouTube? Donncha unlocked “Who’s an Ass now?” the other day on one of BlameTruth’s vids, but I’ve yet to unlock the ultimate accolade of “OMG u sound like a reetaaard”. That will be +50. (and I don’t want any of you lot thinking you’re helping by ‘boosting’ on my channel!) Sidenote: this whole “achievement unlocked” thing comes from Woodysgamertag so kudos to him for adding another layer of fun to the whole shebang.

And talking of the community. Redd_dragons has created a new Battlefield community here on the home of the best Battlefield bloggers – wordpress. Check out his blog at InBadCompany (that’s a brilliant name for a community site). Check it out! No.. not now, finish reading this first. There may also be a Battlefield Podcast in the offing from Redd_Dragons and friends (including the TeamDonkeyKong guys, Cards and the GLS and others).

Talking of podcasts (and tinfoil hats). Donncha and I will also be releasing a podcast based around general gaming and the community at large. So it’s a very exciting time for all of us.

And lastly – copyright paranoia. My new years resolution (the first I’ve made in about 35 years…) is to not get any copyright strikes. However, I’ve also been attempting to be as copyright compliant as possible by now creating my own music for my vids and not using any images without permission (which is why there are crayon – yes, real crayon drawings – on some of the recent posts). Technically, under fair use I can use images for the purposes of commentary, reporting and education, but I thought I’d go that little step further and ask permission from companies to be LIKE TOTALLY LEGIT.

However, after some recent comedy tweets using #copyright related tags someone called Copyright Guidelines started following me on Twitter. I’m not sure what side of the fence they keep their dogs on, so I’m playing it safe:

You'll never take me alive Copper!

For the majority of this post I should have just done this!

Peas and loaves.

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Find me on PSN – evaDlivE

David Nicol is Articles Editor for, YouTube gaming commentator and blogger based in the UK.

BFBC2 Vietnam Day 2

I had the opportunity to get on not only in the week (working from my home city this week), but also in the early evening. So I jumped in and initially attempted to join Ark, but his game was full so I joined Cards’ game.

Vietnam is growing on me. Despite the stats being screwed up again (level 0 so no specs), and my soldier, and apparently Cards, having feet so huge and unwieldy that they can’t be lifted over the tiniest obstacles we had a good run. The squad that I was with was mostly me, Cards, BydoEmpire and Musselking. RedDragons was on initially but he disappeared – we even had a five man squad at one point.

Apparently Donncha was in some of the games as well, but I am bloody useless at noticing who’s on the team if they’re not in the same squad as I’m usually spending my time watching the killer cam.

I was mainly running the arsehole kit tonight (Dvotee will be pleased(!)) – the medic kit with flame thrower. Well, look at it this way, if I have no specs what else am I supposed to do? Use harsh words in the general direction of the enemy!?

Again, I wasn’t recording, which was a shame as I could probably have made BigMooney’s top five plays when I flamethrowered a helicopter TO DEATH! I bet they weren’t expecting that. The enemy tried to make a sneaky land on top of Bravo on one of the maps, but unfortunately for them I was already on my way there, so I got a vehicle destruction and a double kill.

To me the flamethrower is akin to smoke on the original BFBC2, except you actually get points for using it! I used it to cover the arm in some earlier games, and also defending MComs in later games. Yes, it’s an obnoxious weapon, but it’s fairly limited against a good mid to long range player, or a close range player come to think of it. I think it’s more psychological than actually effective. Once people stop being scared of the idiots who are using it (me) then it will be less effective.

I definitely enjoyed tonights games more than last nights, although I would like to play all the maps at some point as tonight it rotated between only two of them. Oh well, something to look forward to I suppose….

(Also, just noticed that EA/DICE have released a more extensive “fankit” resource on their site: (note: there’s quite a stern copyright thingy on the download, so until I am granted permission I’ll be using my crayons – see Best Squad pin at top of post)).

Oh, and just to show me up as the embarrassing noob that I am, MILEYCYRUSTHEVIRUS upped this video:

Obvious 360 no-scope aimbot noob-tube wallhacker if ever I saw one….

Peas and loaves.

Want to know how to comment on or subscribe to this blog? Click here.

Find me on PSN – evaDlivE

David Nicol is Articles Editor for, YouTube gaming commentator and blogger based in the UK.

BigMooney’s Top 5 Plays (Battlefield)

In case you missed the recent vid from BigMooney06 and Cardsnumber7 there was an important announcement regarding a new Top 5 plays series that BigMooney is starting up.

He’s accepting footage from ALL Battlefield games so here’s what you do:

1 – capture your uber1337 footage
2 – upload it to zshare ( – it’s free 😀
3 – email the link to:

And that’s it. If you’re clip is rootin’ tootin’ enough then you could be in Mooney’s Top 5 Plays!

Here’s the announcement vid:

Peas and loaves.

Want to know how to comment on or subscribe to this blog? Click here.

Find me on PSN – evaDlivE

David Nicol is Articles Editor for, YouTube gaming commentator and blogger based in the UK.