The Killstreak Kurse & The Vincible Commando

The Killstreak Kurse

I’ve discovered that how well I do in game is directly related to what killstreak rewards I have equipped. In case you’re new to Modern Warfare 2 killstreak rewards are unlockable additions to your armoury for use against the enemy. In order to access them you first need to get a certain number of kills without dying. The lowest standard amount of kills required being three, and the most being 25.

I am under no illusions – so far I have never had the nuke equipped. Unless I get into a lobby where every other player decides to go and make a cup of tea and a sandwich at the same time I’m unlikely to ever get a 25 kill streak. But here’s the thing. I know I can get a five kill streak. Not every game, and not every time but it is a possibility for me. So for a while I was running 5-7-9 (Predator Missile, Harrier Strike, Pave Low) but I was getting five kills so rarely that the set up wasn’t benefiting me, nor my team. So I switched to 3-4-5 (UAV, Counter UAV, Predator). When I get a streak going there I make it up to six or seven kills….. but as soon as I try the higher streaks again I catch the dead.

This is obviously because of some sort of Killstreak Kurse that has befallen me – so beware everyone, there is bad JuJu afoot!

The Vincible Commando
shadylikeatree recently reported that the Commando invicibility has been removed and last night I discovered that he’s right. It only seems to be affecting me though – killed mid lunge as I went for a cheap kill. But I still have trouble stopping those commandoing me. I think it’s just that I’m rubbish though.

Peas and loaves.

Find me on PSN – evaDlivE

Quick Scoping and Cold Blooded Pro

Okay, I’m a little bit obsessed by quick scoping in Modern Warfare 2 right now. But putting all the issues about how much skill is involved aside I have a question for quick scopers – does Cold Blooded Pro cause a problem for you?

The reason for the question is that I know that with Cold Blooded Pro, not only does your name not show up to the enemy, but it also stops the crosshairs from going red and negates the aim assist. From what I can see from the many discussions on quick scoping, a major part of it is having the aim assist snap on to your target – especially when “drag scoping”. Logically if someone is using Cold Blooded Pro then this would make it more challenging for a quick scoper to get the kill as the ‘snap’ would not happen.

Obviously those who are actually skilled rather than those who possess skillz will have no problem countering this. But I’d really like to have some feedback on the Cold Blooded Pro perk and if it affects the ability to quick scope. I’d also be interested in doing some tests in MW2 on the PS3 if anyone is interested.

Peas and loaves.

Find me on PSN – evaDlivE

Is the Heartbeat Sensor for Noobs

One good thing about this WordPress blog system is the stats. It shows me the search terms that people use to get here. Mostly it’s the same thing over and over, but occasionally there’s a term that is related to something I’ve posted, but is not explicitly answered.

The search term “is a heartbeat sensor for noons” was there today (and I take it that ‘noons’ is a typo for ‘noobs’). I thought it was a very good question since the Heartbeat Sensor, like every other attachment and perk, attracts the suffix -noob when it is used in game. Ironically the person who is killed is the one yelling “noob!” which doesn’t really make sense as the person who caught the dead is the ‘noobish’ one for getting killed – not the person who racked up the kill or kills…..

So, the HeartBeat Sensor. It’s not an attachment that I use as I find that I get tunnel vision with it. Staring at the Aliens-esque blips moving on the screen I tend to get killed from behind. But that’s not to say that it is useless or noobish. You just have to learn how to use if effectively. So here is my quick list for effective Heartbeat Sensor use:

  • 1 – The HBS is an aid, just like the UAV. But you cannot fully rely on it. As such, it is important not to become fixated by it.
  • 2 – Remember that the HBS refreshes about once a second. This means that moving enemies are potentially at least one second closer than it is showing – even more for Marathon/Lightweight enemies.
  • 3 – The HBS will not show up people using the Ninja Perk – but does show up Cold Blooded users who will be invisible to UAV. This is probably the number one reason why you should not become reliant on it. While you’re scoping out the area and not picking anything up, I (because I tend to use Ninja a lot) could be coming directly towards you. And while you’re looking at the HBS I could already have spotted you….
  • 4 – It’s usefulness is reduced when in buildings with multiple floors as it only shows you the relative distance away and not whether they are on the same level or not.
  • 5 – Avoid camping with it. And by camping I mean proper camping. i.e. sitting in the corner of a room with your gun trained at the door. Not because camping is wrong, but because you’ll get killed very easily through camping. Claim an area and patrol it while maintaining a strategic presence with the aid of the HBS.

It’s important when using the HBS to pre-empt the incoming enemy rather than allowing them to come directly to your position. The HBS gives you their relative position so you should move to a point where you have the best chance of winning the engagement by launching a surprise attack.

Here’s a video from Wings of Redemption where he uses the Heart Beat Sensor in conjunction with the Scrambler perk to lure enemies to his position so he can kill them. For most 1337 players the HBS and Scrambler perks are considered worthless, but here they are used to great effect:

But to answer the original question: Is the Heartbeat Sensor for noobs? No it’s not. It’s not any more noobish than any other attachment. Although you’ll always have the complainers who consider any perk/attachment combo that they are not currently using to be noobish. So you know what? Sod them, use what you like. If someone calls you a noob, load up One Man Army, Danger Close and the Pro-Pipe and noob them to death! You’ve bought the game for your enjoyment, not to adhere to another person’s crazed concept of how the game should be played.

You can find more information on the Heart Beat Sensor at the Call of Duty Wiki

Peas and loaves.

Find me on PSN – evaDlivE

Modern Warfare 2 – Three to Watch Week 3

It’s Wednesday….well it was when I started editing the video, it’s technically Thursday now, but I haven’t gone to bed yet so it still counts as Wednesday.

And Wednesday is Three to Watch Day (until I run out of people to pimp).

This week we have MrDazzybee69, IAmThevPReMoNiTioN, and EightThoughts.

Check them out, if you like what you see, then show them some love – comment, rate, subscribe. You know, the things that all the cool kids are doing.

As always if you know of something that you think should be included, then let me know!

Peas and loaves.

Find me on PSN – evaDlivE

Battle Field Bad Company 2 or Modern Warfare 2 Commentaries

There’s no denying that Battle Field Bad Company 2 looks good and sounds awesome. A lot of MW2 commentators have taken a hiatus from Call of Duty and are tearing it up on Bad Company 2. I don’t have the game and I didn’t get around to playing the demo (“for shame!” I hear you cry) so I enjoy watching the vids and first thoughts that people are expressing.

One problem that most commentators are running into is the length of a game. Most MW2 game modes are conveniently 10 minutes long which is just the right length to be accepted on YouTube. But apparently BFBC2 games are in excess of 20 minutes each which means that unless you are posting to Machinima or one of the other YouTube partners you need to do some ruthless editing.

However, there is another issue with BFBC2 videos…..they can be quite boring. I have no doubt that the game itself is amazing to play – from what I can see it does seem to be a more immersive experience for the player than MW2, but it doesn’t appear to translate well to game commentaries. There’s a lot of shooting at stuff that you can’t see and vehicle mayhem. The majority of YouTubers I subscribe to are there because I enjoy what they talk about so the gameplay is not always the most important aspect of the viewing but at the moment there seems to be a major “What to do with Bad Company 2” feeling in the videos.

I think the major issues for commentators are the size of the maps and the fact that it is mostly squad based with a more team orientated play style. So now instead of gameplay focusing on the individual achieving greatness it’s more “So here I am in this building for the forseeable future with my squad while we shoot at people in that other building waaaaaaaaaaaaay over there….”. BFBC2 is obviously a really good game, but I’m not sure that it is going to be successful for the commentators. Plenty of scope for tasty montages though.

And because I like to involve you as much as possible in what I’m saying I’ve finally worked out how to use the poll thingy. So if you are not registered at WordPress you can at least vote on which commentaries you prefer:

Peas and loaves.

Find me on PSN – evaDlivE

Improving Your Aim

Let’s get some caveats out of the way before we get to the main feature. These tips are what work for me. I’ve been playing FPS games for almost a decade on and off and have been rubbish at them. But thanks to the wonder of YouTube and the YouTubers who take the time to upload videos and share their tips I’ve been able to improve by analysing what I’m doing compared to what they’re doing. There are two users whose videos I’ve found to be most useful – SeaNanners and Sasbenjr. The reason why I use them as examples out of the 60-odd other people I’m subscribed to on YouTube is that in their videos they explain what they are doing (sasbenjr to a much higher degree than SeaNanners) and because they also use a tactical play style that is more suited to us older (I never thought I’d be calling myself old at 34…..) and slower gamers.

So on with the tips.

#1 – Handicap yourself
This tip is not for everyone. It can cause you to fall out of love with the game, reconsider your life choices and generally cause a complete crisis of confidence – so if you are of sensitive disposition move on to tip #2. In order to improve your aim you need to be able to aim to begin with. Any nugget can pick up a Scar-H or an ACR and be a demon in game. It’s easy when you use a strong recoil-less gun. But that’s a crutch, doesn’t help you improve, and it soon becomes boring using the same thing all the time. What should you do? Use this loadout:
Sleight of Hand
Whatever second perk you like
Steady Aim or Ninja


What?! The FAL!? Yes the FAL. It’s single fire which means that YOU will have to stop relying on spray and pray kills and actually learn how to aim properly. Think the FAL is too easy? Then use a pistol. Think the pistol is too easy? Then you don’t need to be reading a post about improving your aim. Using the FAL helps you get into the habit of #2…..

#2 – Make your targets come to you
Okay, there’s nothing you can do about someone zooming around the map using Marathon, Lightweight and Commando getting you in the back, but for everyone else you can pretty much control what happens if you are in the right position. In Modern Warfare 2 it can be difficult to hang back when everyone is running around like the sky is falling. But that’s what you’ve got to do – you already know the high traffic areas of the map (it’s where you die a lot) so your mission is to get a vantage point of that area that gives you a low profile to the enemy while allowing you to easily see them. You need to keep your crosshairs on the traffic area ready to get your victim. Always be looking straight down that corridor so that enemies are running towards or away from you – not across your field of view. It’s much easier to shoot a target when it is stuck in your line of sight rather than moving across it. I wouldn’t stay in the same spot for more than two kills (or a couple of minutes) – best move to another location that also gives you a view of your previous perch in order to ping the guy going for the revenge kill. Moving also prevents you from getting tunnel vision or ‘zoning out’ due to inactivity.

#3 Practice shooting stuff
Set up a Lan game and join it. It’ll be lonely as you’ll be the only one there, but it also means that you won’t spend your time being shot in the face while you attempt to improve your aim. Choose a target, or targets and practice shooting from one to the other. I like HighRise for this as one of the buildings has a clock above a doorway – I run around the corner and bring the aim up to that. If you do this for a couple of minutes before going online proper you should be a bit more prepared.

Target Practice

What you’re trying to achieve is the ability to bring up your sights and hit the target as soon as it comes into view. This skill will aid you when you spot someone while moving around the map. Also try shooting targets at varying distances – the exploding barrels are particularly satisfying targets.

#4 Make your aim true
Your crosshairs should always be where the threat is most likely. In buildings your sights should sweep the corners and then stay on the doorway as you move towards it ready for anyone coming through – apply this to moving through maps like Favela, Karachi and Invasion where there are many streets as well as buildings. When you’re maintaining a strategic presence (or camping) you should be sweeping the areas that the enemy are most likely to be coming from. Keep an eye on your mini map – unless your green triangle buddies start disappearing you should be looking in the opposite direction ready to get anyone who is attempting to flank. When you’re moving keep your sights up – if you find that you’re all over the place, move on to #5.

#5 Choose a sensitivity that suits you
Some people play on sensitivity 10 and treat it as some sort of mark of 1337ness. And good for them. Personally, I’m currently on sensitivity 3 on the PS3. When I had my Cheap Freaks on it was 7. Your level of sensitivity should compliment your playstyle and controller control. If you spend 12 hours a day playing and have the reactions of a rattle snake on speed then chances are that a higher sensitivity would suit you. Conversely, if you play a couple of games a day and are generally ham handed then lower sensitivity will be your thing. In either case you need to find what works for you. The only way to do that is to play – try the exercise in #4 – if you can’t hit the clock on your current sensitivity then try lowering or increasing it depending on your results.

#6 Choose your shots
I think it was Hutch that said “You’ll miss every shot you don’t take” which is true and is especially correct when sniping. But “Nothing gets you killed quicker than giving your position away” – that’s mine. If you are using an unsilenced weapon don’t blast wildly at anything that moves. If you miss, you panic and your aim gets worse, in the meantime the enemy knows where you are and is going to shoot you in the face. Load up a silenced weapon and add Stopping Power – then try it again. The silencer prevents you from showing up on the radar, and in my experience unless you’re standing right in front of the enemy they tend to get all jack rabbitty and hop for cover as they don’t know where they are being hit from instead of returning fire.

#7 Take a breath – relax
This is probably the most important one, at least it is for me. I noticed that when I saw an enemy I would get a bit tense and my aim would be all over the place. This is because that tension made my movements stiff and jerky. By relaxing, my aiming movements were smoother and more controlled. It made sighting running enemy a lot easier. Get into the mindset of “I’m gonna shoot you sucka!” rather than “There’s a guy, has he seen me, can I get him…?”. Make it so that as far as you’re concerned you’ve already won the firefight, the only thing left to do is pull the trigger.

#8 Prefire and burst fire
When just using the crosshairs you can swing around quick and easy, but as soon as you ADS this movement is slowed significantly – even on higher sensitivities (although it is also dependent on the weapon you are using). When you encounter an enemy at closer range who is an active threat (an “Oh shit!” moment where you’ve seen them and they’ve seen you) get your crosshairs over them and fire before bringing up your sights – that initial prefire can be the difference between your killstreak, or just plain being killed. When you are firing a fully automatic weapon ensure that you burst fire by tapping the trigger. This will create a narrower grouping of your rounds. This is especially important when using LMGs, the MP5K, Tar-21 and the F2000 (not that anyone uses that one anyway). Although the recoil can be useful for getting headshots, after the initial kick you’ll be shooting at the sky – and unfortunately you don’t get kills by doing that.

#9 The Strafe Fire
When I first started playing FPS I was given this tip by a guy who played Quake (never my thing). It’s what they would do, back in the day, during the ‘dance of death’. The what? I know, you don’t see it so much anymore due to the lower health and stronger weapons in most games. The Dance of Death was what would happen when two players find themselves toe toe with no melee ability. They would basically circle each other until one had managed to shoot the other to death. Although the Dance of Death is pretty redundant nowadays, the circle strafe technique is not. It’s useful for getting around corners where you suspect there is someone maintaining a stategic presence (yes, camping). So here is how you do it. Find an object like a barrel that you can move freely around. Now put your crosshairs on it, or ADS if you like. Once you’ve done that your task is to move around it in an arc keeping your crosshairs or sight on the target object while maintaining a set distance from it. In order to do this you need to push the movement stick in one direction and the look stick in the opposite direction. Start off slowly with small movements and then build up the pace. You should practice doing this clockwise and anti-clockwise. This is actually easier to show rather than describe…

When I get the capability to record I’ll make a video illustrating these tips.

And so, example videos. First, SeaNanners. There’s not too much commentary regarding what he is actually doing at the time, but he give some good advice on playing the game. Main thing to watch for is where he positions himself, how he moves around the terrain the way he moves from position to position.

SeaNanners in action

Narrowing your profile to the enemy by using cover

Although he’s mobile he is not blindly running and gunning (ignore the Heart Beat Sensor). Watch how his crosshairs are always pointed at his direction of travel and where the enemy will be coming from – the pauses at junctions and minimising his profile to the enemy.

And now sasbenjr. This is the Rundown with M16 video. In contrast to SeaNanner’s video Geoff talks us through what he is doing and why, including cool little graphics to illustrate threat areas.


Graphics showing threat areas from sasbenjr

Check out the part where he is on the balcony facing the bridges which allows him to control the engagements while maintaining a lower profile with height advantage.

Also check out his FAL videos.

I’d appreciate any feedback on this. If it’s been helpful to you, not helpful, or even if you have some tips of your own. Like I said, these work for me, but I’m always looking for ways to improve.

Peas and loaves.

Find me on PSN – evaDlivE

Is Quickscoping a Random Event?

So this post is about quick scoping and no scoping. I was inspired to write it after watching the following video and then reading/participating in the comments. The video isn’t really that interesting unless you enjoy listening to someone complain constantly about how crap MW2 is, but here it is for context:

Recently I’ve put my lack up success in Modern Warfare 2 and pretty much every other FPS down to my awful aiming. It’s as good an excuse as any and is something that only I can have an effect on. So I’ve been looking at how the more successful players aim in game and in most cases they make it so that the enemy is within the onscreen crosshairs before ADS (aiming down sight). This means that they already have a bead on the enemy and they are not chasing them across the screen with their sights. But what has that got to do with quickscoping and no scoping?

Bear with me because in order to fully explain this it may take some time. On screen (unless you’re playing hardcore) you have the cross hairs – four little white blocks towards the centre of the screen:


The Crosshairs can be seen in the centre of the screen around the number 1

When the Call of Duty series started, one thing that they did well was to increase the realism of firing your gun. So no longer did your bullets go in a straight line from the barrel of the gun to the horizon.

No more Laser Guns

No more Laser Guns

Instead, when you fire without ADS (aiming down sight) your bullet will follow a trajectory from a random point within the crosshair area to replicate muzzle sway:

The Hit Area

The Hit Area

If your taget is across the map then your chances of getting a non-ADS kill (or even a hit) are greatly reduced. But in the event that your enemy fills the “hit” area then you will hit them – not accurately, but a hit nonetheless. And as Bruce Lee said “A hit is a hit!”. If you are lucky your hip fire will strike them in a critical area scoring a multiplier before they are able to return the favour. The ONLY way to accurately hit your target is to ADS, or scope in if you are using a scoped weapon:

ADS in action

ADS - the best way to fly

The crosshair accuracy increases if you crouch or go prone – in most cases it will noticeably contract. Accuracy is reduced when you are moving which you can see on screen as the distance between the crosshair points expands.

So now we’ve got that out of the way, let’s get on to no-scoping, and quick-scoping (NS and QS from here on). I don’t have a problem with people who no-scope or quick-scope, but I do think that on the whole those who say it is all about skillz and being 1337 are teeny tiny bit delusional. People who NS and QS in MW2 utilise two things in their “skill” whether they realise it or not – luck, and the helping hand of auto aim. When your crosshairs are filled by your target, or they occupy a large proportion of it then your chances of hitting that target are increased. When you scope in, the auto aim “snaps” you towards the target if one is close to the center of the crosshair. Combine with that the fact that the sniper rifles do a lot of damage and you increase your chances of getting a kill even further.

To illustrate the random spread of fire when no scoping have a look at this quick clip from Hutch:

As you can see, the guy he’s trying to shoot is in the middle of the crosshairs, but due to the random spray element the bullets are missing him….. Which neatly brings us on to the whole Sniper Rifle hitmarker complaining that people – mostly quick and no scopers – are complaining about. I’ll allow YouTube comments from the first video to explain how I feel about hitmarkers with the Sniper Rifle (I posted before about getting hitmarkers when using the silencer).

I missed off the ‘t’ in ‘event’ in the last reply…. Anyway – that’s pretty much how I feel about quickscoping. If it was total skill then the quick scoper would not get hitmarkers and their shots would be upper body/head. But that is not the case because they are effectively in between hip firing and ADS. If you watch any QS videos you’ll see that in most cases the scope doesn’t even come up far enough to see the enemy in it….is that aiming?

One thing you’ll notice is that QS and NS posters on YouTube will generally post montage clips of their 1337 skillz. Invariably they show every hit getting “One Shot Kill” or “Headshot” – but these are montage clips, meaning they are the best bits. If you watch videos from QSs who post full matches they you will see them miss, sometimes a lot.

But generally they put it down to lag, or Infinity Ward messing up – but it’s not. Try aiming, that’ll fix the problem in a heartbeat. I particularly like the commentaries that go: “So….um…..yeah. I’m sniping and….. oh my god look at this! A hitmarker?!…..and then he kills me. Infinity Ward, you need to fix this, like, immediately as this is the single thing that makes me want to quit playing this game right now, along with noobtube noobs, commando noobs, Assualt Rifle noobs, SMG noobs, pistol noobs, shotgun noobs, rocket noobs, thermal noobs, grenade noobs, semtex noobs, claymore noobs, C4 noobs, hardscope noobs, turret noobs, prone noobs, jumping noobs, camping noobs, running noobs, chopper gunner noobs, AC130 noobs, last stand noobs, martyrdom noobs and nooby noobs. So……um…..yeah”

In my opinion and experience, is Quickscoping governed by random chance? Yes, yes it is. I’m fully prepared to be proven otherwise, but so far I have not found one person who can consistently get upper body or head shots while no or quick scoping. Even so called Quick Scope tutorials are vague at best on how to do it. My own no scope and quick scope tests indicate the bullet spread remains random compared to actually aiming.

Peas and loaves.

Find me on PSN – evaDlivE

Practice for Christmas, M4A1 FTW, and Den Kirson

First off, this blog (or ramble amble as it often turns out to be) has been going for pretty much three months now and although I enjoy talking to myself I’d like to thank those of you who also enjoy me talking to myself and keep coming back for more. To make this thanks more real I’d like you go to your nearest mirror and look yourself square in the eye and sincerely thank yourself for dropping by. Actions speak louder than words, so give yourself a chumly pat on the shoulder too – that’s a nice touch.

Okay, on with the ramble amble….

A Surfboard Wrapped in Bubblewrap

Santa was not a happy chappy

Merry Christmas!
<<< What the hell is that?! You're asking yourself. Is it The Mummy after being hit by a steamroller? No, it's my surfboard, packed and ready to be picked up by the courier to go to its new home on the other side of the country. Now here's my top tips if you ever feel the need to sell a surfboard:
1 – Sell it locally
2 – Make sure that your advert says 'pick up only'
3 – Put 'pick up only' in massive red letters
4 – Ensure that there are no postage options on your advert
5 – When tips 1 – 4 are ignored by your buyer purchase 25 metres of bubblewrap and some packing tape
6 – Do some warm up exercises prior to wrapping your ex-surfboard
7 – Make sure the kids are in bed so they can't hear you swearing as you attempt to wrap the surfboard

So there you have it. I suppose it's good practice for Christmas….well it would be if I decided to buy someone a 7'9" oddly shaped wierd thing. But no, I think ahead. At Christmas time, if the item you want does not come in regular box shaped packaging you either don't get it, or you can have it in the store bag it came in. Bah humbug!

But hang on? This is supposed to be a blog about gaming so what has my surfboard got to do with anything? First it was pumpkins and now Christmas? Well the surfboard was sold to part fund my Hauppage purchase. So there we have a chunk of money towards it. In case you're wondering what the Hauppage a Hauppage is you can have a look here. But in a nutshell it’ll allow me to record my gameplay in HD for your viewing horror pleasure.

M4A1 FTW (for the win)
This night was a good gaming night. The weekend is over so it was my turn to be handing out the asses. And hand them out I did. The best thing was the match making – it was fairly even and the games I played were really close, only the first game ended on maximum score, the others went to the wire.

For this evenings entertainment I’d moved away from the FAL set up and was mostly using M4A1 with Red Dot, Spas-12 with Grip, Sleight of Hand, Stopping Power, and Ninja Pro. Claymore and Stuns. Death Streak…..probably Painkiller (I don’t tend to pay attention to that one). UAV, Counter UAV and Predator Missile. Anyway, last time around I hardly used the M4A1 at all as I found it to be really weak compared to every other gun that was shooting me in the face. But now that I’ve found the beauty of Stopping Power, the M4A1 becomes a beasty beauty! The only downside to Stopping Power is that it prevents me from using Cold Blooded which means I get shot while attempting to shoot down the UAV – well, if I’m going to be a big red dot on their radar I may as well be getting my money’s worth!

So here’s how it went:

Scrapyard – Win – 18-1-3
Afghan – Loss – 16-2-5
Invasion – Win – 8-1-5
Favela – Win – 14-0-6

Definitely not beast scores, but much better than how I’ve been doing recently and I had a lot of fun – especially on Favela. It was crazy, all mixed up, people everywhere, not like I normally have it.

Den Kirson

So, who is Den Kirson and why should you care? The answers, I don’t know and if you’re interested in stats. If you’re not interested in stats just skip to the bottom for a really shameless plug. Anyway I was watching a video on YouTube…..this one in fact (a seamless link, neat-o!):

And towards the end he mentions this Den Kirson guy and gives his web address which you can go to by CLICKING HERE. On that page is a really cool tool that shows you the strengths and stats of the guns in Modern Warfare 2. Well, I was impressed. But I like stuff like that. If you like it too, then you should visit his site. If not, then you should definitely visit sasbenjr‘s channel on YouTube (how’s that for a shameless plug? Pick me Geoff!). But seriously – for real effective tactics none compare to Geoff’s vids. They definitely helped me tonight.

Peas and loaves.

Find me on PSN – evaDlivE

What the Angry Pterodactyl sees…

the Angry Pterodactyl eats! In case you don’t know what I’m on about – I’m referring to Harriers in Modern Warfare 2. And when I say ‘eat’, I mean ‘shoot’……this all sounded so much better in my head, but I’ve started now, and you’re reading it so it would be rude to drop it.

So here’s the thing, the enemy get a Harrier Strike. There’s two things you need to do:
1) – the mental check – what class am I using? If cold blooded then carry on as normal, if not, get inside.
2) – do I have any anti-air support weapons equipped? If yes, shoot the Angry Pterodactyl down, if not then switch classes for when you die.

Personally, I always attempt to shoot down airsupport whether it’s a team game or free-for-all for a couple of reasons (another list coming up):

1 – It gets you points. These are handy when levelling up.
2 – It pisses off the guy who launched it, especially if you can take it down before it gets a kill.
3 – Every kill it gets is essentially counting against YOU. Even in FFA (I’ll come back to that).
4 – Harriers are usually used as a staging ground to even more devastating killstreaks.

So here’s the thing about #3 – In game modes where the outcome is dependent on the amount of kills a player has, allowing an air support killstreak to wend its merry way should not be an option. On TDM every kill the Harrier gets is one step closer to your team losing – even if it’s not you that’s being killed. If you’re on FFA and have cold blooded you may think “Ha ha ha, that Angry Pterodactyl isn’t going to get me! Ner ner ner ner nerrrrr!” Which is great – but there are only 30 kills needed to win the match. Which means that while you’re running around trying to get the kills, the Pterodactyl handler can sit in a corner while his pet NomNomNoms it’s way through the other player and potentially gives them an easy match win. Which brings us to #4.

Harrier > Chopper Gunner > Nuke. 7 – 11 – 25 (or 6 – 10 – 24 with Hardline) kills. If a player manages to get to seven kills without being shot in the face, his air support is probably going to do the rest for him. Which means you lose – even if you were winning. So if enemy airsupport goes up and you don’t have an anti-air weapon equipped, switch classes – jump on your own grenade, knife your own claymore, or even jump off a building and shoot that bad boy down. You can’t rely on your team mates to do it so be the team player (even in non-team games) and get rid of it.

Now for the Pterodactyl tie-in. Although Pterodactyls, or Pterosaurs if you prefer, are prehistoric winged beasts of doom it’s the name that is analogous with the Harrier Strike. Pterodactyl is Latin meaning “Winged Finger” (due to the elongation of the phalanges of the forelimbs that allowed the wing membrane to form). When someone gets their Harriers up they are essentially giving the enemy side the finger – the winged finger. So think about that – would you allow someone to give you the finger without redress? Of course you wouldn’t – so SHOOT IT DOWN!

Peas and loaves.

Find me on PSN – evaDlivE

…is soooo overpowered!

“…is soooo overpowered!” according to many YouTube Modern Warfare 2 commentators (the younger ones at least, and some who should be old enough to know better). What’s overpowered I hear you ask…. apparently any gun that kills them. The guns and perks they use are okay though. Go figure.

It seems that the guns fall into two categories – Beast or Overpowered. You can tell which is which by the position of the gun in question. If the gun is being pointed at the enemy and it gets kills easily, then it is “Beast”, however, if it is pointed at the commentator and kills him then it is “Overpowered”.

I’ve even seen one clip where the commentator complains that the UMP is more powerful than the Barrett. How? Well, in his topsy turvy universe two headshots from a distance with the UMP should not be enough to kill when it takes 3 shots (actually a miss, a hit marker and finally a killing shot) with the Barrett when quickscoping. Personally, I think a headshot from any weapon should be enough to kill, but I digress….

Barrett Quickscoper should try aiming at the upper body/head and then he wouldn’t have that problem. But it’s obviously easier to complain about an “overpowered” gun than to *gasp* consider that it’s YOU that’s the problem.

And in other news:

It’s almost midnight here and I don’t think I’m going to get a game tonight as I have to paint a pumpkin. Yes, you read that correct and if you check your calendar you’ll also note that it is still March. But a pumpkin needs painting and who am I to refuse?

Peas and loaves.

Find me on PSN – evaDlivE