DLC… again?!

I’m starting to sound like a broken record.

I am going to be revisiting some ‘issues’ that I’ve gone over previously due to the release of the BRAND NEW *ahem* Onslaught DLC for Battlefield Bad Company 2.

I haven’t turned the PS3 on since it came out so I don’t know how much it is, a couple of quid maybe, but to me: it’s too much. I’m not buying it. Simple as that. As far as I’m concerned it’s not worth the money, and while EA/DICE continue to leave other issues unresolved why should I give them more money to play a game mode that should have been included at retail anyway?

Pay to play co-op mode? Come on, seriously? What is the replay value of that? Those of you who have Modern Warfare 2 – how many times do you actually play the co-op missions on that (you know, the ones that were free at point of sale)?

From what Donncha was saying about the Onslaught pack it’s useful to hone your vehicle and/or sniping skills so you’re also paying for the training level that should also have been included in the original game!

You don’t get any new maps, just some different lighting/weather. Big fat hairy deal – if you play GTAIV the lighting and weather changes in that…. FOR FREE. I really don’t see the value for money. And talking of money, where does the money that people pay for the Spectat Kits and this Onslaught Pack actually go? It obviously doesn’t go to sorting out the servers.

Donncha also mentioned about an issue with lag when he was playing. StoneFaceLock is constantly complaining about lag, and even ooogbilly has now put up a vid showing lag problems:

This is the very reason why I avoided EA for over half a decade. They only respond to dollars and not feedback from the community. While people continue to give them cash for essentially nothing (and this applies to all developers/publishers – not just EA/DICE) they’ll continue to go “Ka-Ching! Would you like some fancy pants to go with that?”.

I did consider getting Onslaught because Donncha, Mike, Geoff, Gary and probably everyone else is getting it and it would’ve been fun to give it a go – but decided against it when I realised that EA/DICE have effectively offered nothing for the money. No new maps. Your scrore in Onslaught doesn’t count towards anything. The servers are still laggy (or empty if you play after midnight due to the EU/US segregation) and let’s be honest, co-op mode should have been included out of the box.

When EA/DICE actually offer something that provides value for money then I’ll get it. But currently we’re been spoonfed shit and being told it’s caviar. I’m not swallowing that.

Peas and loaves.

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Eight Thoughts Goes HD

One of my favourite YouTube commentors EightThoughts has taken the train to Technoville and got himself an Hauppauge HD PVR.

Originally his videos were standard definition recorded using a video camera, and to be honest….. I almost didn’t subscribe to him when I first came across his commentaries. But then I heard his commentary and it just cracked me up. At a time when everyone else was being a try hard his commentaries were like a breath of fresh air. Despite the pretty rubbish video quality, the commentary was just pure…..quality. So I subbed, and never regretted it – I would have stayed subbed even if he’d never gone HD as his videos are great.

I think the most appealing part of Eight’s vids are that he makes them for him rather than to be YouTube popular, or to appeal to a certain type of gamer. He just makes them, and if other people like them too then great, and if not then……. big fat hairy deal.

Keep up the good work Eight!

And here’s his first ever HD vid (not any talk on the gameplay, it’s more him discussing the recording and where he’s going from here on):

Check him out: http://www.youtube.com/user/EightThoughts

Peas and loaves.

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MW2 Resurgence Map Pack

Robert Bowling AKA fourzerotwo, the Creative Strategist for Infinity Ward discusses the upcoming DLC. Due for release to Xbox users on June 3rd 2010 and then at some later time for PS3 and PC users, the map pack contains three new maps, and two recycled “fan favourites” from Call of Duty 4.

The new maps are Fuel, Carnival, and Trailer Trash Park. The recycled maps (IW/Activision being eco-friendly?) are Strike and Vacant.

I’ll be sure to get this as soon as I pick up the Stimulus Pack….. so maybe never.

Peas and loaves.

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Modern Warfare Resurgence Map Pack Announced

Just when the Stimulus pack becomes available to the PS3 and PC community Infinity Ward, or Activision, or maybe Roy the intern/tea boy has announced that the new “Resurgence” map pack will be released to Xbox Live in early June…..

Good luck with that.

Three new maps and…… two CoD4 maps. Makes you wonder if this was some sort of deliberate marketing ploy to begin with, or a result of having pretty much the entire development team jump ship.

Either way, I am totally underwhelmed and not even toe deep in enthusiasm (although if I was standing on my head that could be taken as a really positive position…). The good news is that the Xbox Beta Testers guys get to try out the maps for at least a month before they are released to the other platforms. So plenty of time to decide whether or not they are worth getting on the PS3.

That reminds me – Stimulus Pack…….. nah, still not getting it.

From DigitalSpy:

The returning maps include ‘Vacant’ and ‘Strike’, while the new maps are titled ‘Trailer Park’, ‘Carnival’ and ‘Fuel’, according to VG247.

PS – Message to Activision….. I can play CoD4 maps any time I want. I only have to boot up CoD4 and voila there they are. I don’t want to pay for them again, and releasing them on MW2 only gives the constant complainers something more to complain about.

Peas and loaves.

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Commandoh! (MW2)

For those who thought that Commando had been patched to resolve “I’M INVINCIIIIIIIIBLE!!!” issue….. it hasn’t.

Admittedly, on this video, the first couple of shots are a bit ropey, but if you pause it at 0.05 you can see that during the lunge all shots would be on centre mass which would in any other scenario would have killed him:

And here’s the screenie:

The Commando Lunge still offers invincibility

At least in BFBC2 bullets in the air count even after you’re dead (which happened earlier when I got knifed in the face, but the wookie with the cutlery still got cut down by my M60).

Peas and loaves.

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CoD Snore… ZZzzzzz

Hey! Let’s all play Call of Duty 4! It’s soooooo awesome, it’s the most perfect game ever made…..

No it’s not, and no it wasn’t. When I was playing up until my 360 RROD’d (Red Ring of Death) the majority of people who played it and also posted on forums/YouTube spent their time complaining about pretty much everything – sort of like it is with Modern Warfare 2 now. Everything was given the suffix -noob. Juggernoob, martyrnoob, M16noob……okay the last one doesn’t really fit, but that’s how it was. Whatever weapon/perk you chose there was someone waiting to call you a “[insert whatever here]-noob”.

People complained that the game was “broken”……

Any of this sound familiar?

So now if you go on YouTube you find the very same people who spent the last days of CoD4 complaining about it now putting up video after video of…..CoD4. They’re all gushing about how great it is, and how crappy MW2 is.

Personally, I find it boring. Every video is the same. There is no variation in CoD4 – it is Ogga Ug Banga Whack Whack. All the weapons were equalised, all the killstreaks are the same…BOOOOOOOORING!

The most amusing “I love Cod4” video I’ve seen so far was when the commentator was lamenting about how powerful the assault rifles in MW2 are. How they are all you see in MW2 whereas in CoD4 you can use an assault rifle, an smg or a shotgun and do equally well with any of them……. Ogga….. Ug….. Banga….. Whack….. Whack……

In MW2 I use a variety of different weapons, but let’s be honest here: an assault rifle SHOULD be more powerful than an smg and have more range than both an smg or a shotgun. The clue is in the name.

CoD4 is the epitomy of nerfdom. If you’re thinking of complaining about something being overpowered, or unbalanced in any game STOP! Think……do you want to be playing a game that presents a challenge, or do you want to be playing Ogga Ug….. I mean CoD4? Before you put your indignant fingers to keyboard why not just trade in your obviously broken and unbalanced game and pick up a copy of CoD4?

It’s the perfect game apparently….

And while I’m posting about being bored by some people’s YouTube videos, here are a couple of other things that make me stop watching a video:

  • Sniper rifle – especially if it is 1337 n05c0p3Zzzzz
  • UMP45 – an ACTUAL overpowered gun that -surprise, surprise- no one complains about because it’s what all the cool kids use……
  • complaining….. just plain old bitching about everything. If you don’t like a game – don’t play it. Problem solved.
  • And that concludes my rant.

    Peas and loaves.

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The Fake Nuke was FAKE!? – shocker!

Not going to say too much on this except for two things:

1 – I wonder what all the people who were jumping to silly boy’s defence are saying/thinking now?…..


2 – In the video he claims that he never said his fake nukes were real/legit……but you only have to watch the fifty thousand dual commentaries he did to hear him gush about how legit, real and totally not set up they were. Even when directly confronted by TheEnd.

Yup, I’m sure he’s sorry. Sorry he got caught.

Peas and loaves.

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Second Montage – MrDazzyBee69

So I made another montage using some clips from MrDazzyBee69. It’s relatively short as the edits were causing the file size and render time to approach lunar cycle proportions and it was difficult to view them without rendering them first. I had intended to use the whole song, but had to settle on the first section (the song pretty much repeats it three times anyway).

The song is ‘Age of Panic’ by Senser.

I’m not sure if I’ll do any more montages like this. Even though I enjoy putting them together, this one seemed to use a lot more system resources than my Cannon Fodder Montage using Geoff’s gameplay. But, we’ll see what happens. I’m going to go searching for some good free music, if I can source that then more could be on the way….

Peas and loaves.

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Dear MW2 player…..

….BFBC2 is not MW2. Although I enjoy shooting you from across the map. From the safety of a tank or helicopter. All while you run around with a shotgun I do feel that you’re missing out on a lot of the game. You’re also letting your team down.

Don’t take this the wrong way, everyone is entitled to play the game however they choose. But you need to realise that this isn’t Modern Warfare 2. So please: take a breath and consider your strategy, and your team.

Is the 360 jumping no-scope the correct technique to use, or should you swallow your pride and use the noob-tube….. I know it’s distressing, but with time, love and support, you can adapt to a more tactical playstyle.

Don’t worry, both the ‘run’ and the ‘gun’ will still be waiting for you when you get back to MW2.

In the meantime, just relax and enjoy BFBC2 the way it should – from inside a tank pwning noobs!

Peas and loaves

Find me on PSN – evaDlivE

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